presence 13 web banner titleOne of our favorite traditions at The Connection Church is the annual Presence Christmas Offering. Christmas is all about “God With Us” and we are the hands and feet of Jesus in our world today. We are asking everyone connected to our church family to give their BIGGEST AND BEST Christmas gift to the birthday boy Himself, Jesus Christ!

There are many causes you can give to during this time of the year that will make you feel good, but we know that there’s nothing else on the planet that matters as much as the church’s mission to see lives changed by the power of God! We aren’t asking people to make pledges. Instead, we are focusing all of our efforts on one BIG Day, December 15th, where we’ll receive a special offering during each of our Celebration Services.

If you won’t be here that day or you’d like to go ahead and make a donation, you can give online. Just mark your gift as “Presence.”

Click Here to Give Online to the Presence Christmas Offering

Our Goal: $50,000.

Our goal is to fully fund these 4 vital ministry areas:

1. 2014 Community Assistance Ministry.

Since 2004, our church has served hundreds of people at their time of greatest need. The Community Assistance Ministry has allowed us to come along side of people in distress due to difficult financial times, a death in the family or a need for Christian counseling. We are anticipating and preparing for an increase in benevolence requests in 2014 due to the current economic climate.

2. Hiring a Full-Time Student Pastor for youth and college ministries.

This year, we have seen God working in a BIG way in our FUZE Student Ministries through the efforts of our Student Pastor Bobby Fraumann. At times, we have had attendance of up to 150 students at our Wednesday Night youth program. There is no doubt that this is an affirmation of the need for Bobby to serve with us in a full- time capacity. When we reach students, we are making a difference in their lives, their impact on our schools, and on their families!

3. International Ministry in Guatemala.

Last year, we adopted a village in Guatemala called Agua Zarca where 280 people live. This year, we made 2 trips to the village where we built a kitchen and a drainage system. We have already seen God do great things there, (including 12 Guatemalans coming to know Jesus!) and look forward to even more impact in the coming year!

We will continue to provide daily meals for the 50 children who attend school there through the coming year. For Christmas, we will be giving them a Christmas Party with a special meal, (chicken, special sauce, and a Christmas cake along with their normal beans and rice), as well as new toys for each child. Through your radical generosity, these kids will experience the love of Christ in a powerful way this Christmas and throughout the year. We’re excited that God is using us to make a difference around the world!

4. Future Expansion.

The area around our current campus is booming, and we are looking for a long-term, permanent location for The Connection Church. Our current lease expires in about 6 years, and we believe God is calling us to aggressively pursue land in the coming year. A small portion of this offering will help cover the costs of that pursuit and allow us to hit the ground running.

Click here for a PDF with more info and FAQs

Please pray with me about how God can use us to make a difference in 1000s of lives this year! Yes, we have prayerfully set a BIG goal this year, but we believe that if each of us gives generously, we will exceed it. God’s dreams for us are even bigger than the ones we have for ourselves!

Click Here to Give Online to the Presence Christmas Offering

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