One thing that never changes is that things are constantly changing. But, there’s something profoundly comforting about exploring the unchanging nature of God. Who is God? How can we begin to comprehend the incomprehensible?
While it’s true that our finite minds can never fully grasp the infinite nature of God, we can still discover meaningful truths about who He is and how He relates to us. Let’s embark on a journey to uncover some of the essential attributes of God, as revealed through both general and specific revelation.
General Revelation: God’s Fingerprints in Creation
Have you ever gazed at a breathtaking sunset or marveled at the intricate design of a flower? These moments of awe are more than just moving experiences – they’re glimpses into the very nature of God. As Romans 1:19-20 tells us, “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature.”
The sheer complexity and beauty of the natural world point to a divine Creator. From the vastness of the cosmos to the microscopic intricacies of our DNA, we see evidence of God’s creative power and intelligence. This “general revelation” is available to everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs.
Specific Revelation: God’s Self-Disclosure
While nature can tell us some things about God, it’s through His Word and the person of Jesus Christ that we get a more complete understanding. This “special revelation” lets us know God personally and intimately. As Romans 10:17 reminds us, “Faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.”
So, what does this specific revelation tell us about the nature of God?
- God is Creative
As the source of all life, God’s creative power is unmatched. Acts 17:25 declares, “He Himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.” Unlike us, God doesn’t need anything or anyone – He is completely self-sufficient. But in His love, He chose to create and desires to have a relationship with us. - God is Caring
Love isn’t God, but everything that is true love finds its source in God. 1 John 4:8 boldly states, “God is love.” Love isn’t just a fleeting emotion, but comes from the character of God. God’s love for us is unconditional and unwavering, even when we fall short. - God is Consistent
In a world of constant flux, God remains steadfast. James 1:17 describes Him as the Father “who does not change like shifting shadows.” This immutability means we can always count on God to be who He says He is. His character and promises are reliable, no matter what circumstances we face. - God is Close
Despite His transcendent nature, God is not a distant, detached deity. Acts 17:27 assures us that He is “not far from each one of us.” God desires intimacy with His creation and invites us into a personal relationship with Him. Even in our darkest moments, Psalm 34:18 reminds us that “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” - God is in Control
Nothing is impossible for God. His omnipotence means He has the power to do anything consistent with His nature. Matthew 19:26 declares, “With God all things are possible.” This truth can bring immense comfort when we face seemingly insurmountable challenges in life. - God is Communal
One of the most profound mysteries of God’s nature is the concept of the Trinity – God existing as three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) in perfect unity. This communal aspect of God’s being reflects the importance of relationship and community in our own lives as His creation.
Responding to Who God Is
As we think about these truths about God’s nature, how should we respond?
- Worship: When we truly grasp the majesty and wonder of who God is, our natural response should be one of awe and adoration. Just as we might stand in wonder at the grandeur of a mountain range, how much more should we be moved to worship the One who created it all?
- Trust: Understanding God’s unchanging nature and limitless power should inspire us to place our full trust in Him. Like crossing a sturdy bridge without hesitation, we can confidently entrust our lives to God’s care and guidance.
- Obedience: Knowing who God is should naturally lead us to align our lives with His will. As we spend time in His presence and get to know Him better, we’ll find ourselves being transformed to reflect His character more closely.
- Experience His Power: God doesn’t want us to live life relying solely on our own strength. He invites us to tap into His divine power source, enabling us to face life’s challenges with supernatural resources.
A Personal Invitation
The most remarkable truth about God is that He desires a personal relationship with each of us. Despite His unfathomable greatness, He invites us to know Him intimately. Jesus said in John 14:9, “Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father.” By looking to Jesus and living for Him, we can grow in our understanding and experience of God.
No matter where you find yourself today – whether you’re wrestling with doubts, facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles, or simply seeking a deeper connection with the divine – know that God is reaching out to you. He is powerful enough to handle any situation you’re facing and loving enough to walk with you through it all.
As you reflect on these truths about God’s nature, consider how they might reshape your perspective on life’s challenges and opportunities. Are there areas where you need to trust God more fully? Are there aspects of His character that you need to embrace more deeply?
Remember, the journey of knowing God is a lifelong adventure. Each day brings new opportunities to discover more about His love, power, and purpose for your life. As you continue to seek Him, may you find yourself increasingly transformed by the awesome reality of who God truly is.