Super Bowl Sunday has become one of the year’s biggest celebrations. With the Patriots facing off against the Rams this Sunday, February 3rd, this year’s game is sure to be interesting. Whether you’re a fan of the Patriots, the Rams, or just the commercials, everybody wants to be a part of the football festivities
Before you fire up your grill, you can start off the Big Day of the Big Game in the right way with your friends and family at The Connection Church in both Buda and San Marcos! Here’s what we’re planning for a day we’re calling Super Sunday!
- Tailgate Party in the Parking Lot: We’ll have free hot dogs with all of the
fixins in the parking lot after each of our Celebration Services! - Wear Your Favorite Team Jersey: Come dressed in your favorite sports jersey, whether it’s the Rams, the Patriots, or any team of your choice!
- A Perfect Time to Invite Your Friends: We’ll have so much fun in our services that day, you’ll definitely want to invite your friends so they can hear and respond to the Good News of Jesus!
- Growth Track PreGame (Buda Campus): If you’re ready to join our TCC team, come to Growth Track where we’ll have Concession-Themed Snackage and you can take your next step of spiritual growth at
1:15pm. We’ll be out in plenty of time for you to get ready for your own Super Bowl fun. - Super Bowl Parties:Many of our Connection Groups
are already planning Super Bowl Parties at their homes. You might even consider hosting your own party, inviting your friends and neighbors, and taking some time to talk with them about your faith!