Go to your tap and turn on your faucet. The most amazing thing happens. Water streams forth. It’s a convenience we take for granted. But still today, almost a billion people on our planet don’t have access to clean drinking water. Stop. Reread that sentence. It should give us pause to know that we are so blessed.I wonder why God has chosen to shed His grace on us in such a huge way. Could it be that we are blessed to be a blessing?
Last year, you built a water well in Peru through your Christmas Offering. Check out what Shannon from Living Water International had to say about what God did through you:
“Your water project is complete in Peru! Praise God! You have served an entire community of 140 with clean, safe water in Jesus’ name. It is unbelievable to look at the previous water source – from the polluted river. These people were in desperate need! Thank you for your partnership in serving the thirsty.”
This was so successful that we are led to do it again this year for another village. When we give the gift of water, we’re giving life, health, and a tangible expression of God’s love as well as offering them eternal life through Jesus Christ!
Other receipts from this year’s Presence offering will be invested in positioning The Connection Church to continue shining out the light to Central Texas in 2012.
Will you join me in praying to ask God what He would have you give “over and above” this year? We can’t all give the same amount, but we can all do something. In my family, we give our most expensive Christmas gift to the birthday boy, Jesus, through His church. If you choose to give online, you can click right here. Or, you can bring it to The Connection Church this month.
I thank God for using us to save lives through The Connection Church. I can’t wait to see what God will do as we give back to Him because of all He’s given to us this year!