good_enoughGood is the enemy of great, even in marriage. It’s too easy for us to settle into what we think is a comfortable marriage and before you know it, your marriage is so much less than it can and should be. And nobody’s got time for that!

So we’ve got to make time for what’s most important. We have invited marriage ministry leaders, Justin & Trish Davis, all the way from Nashville, to be with us next weekend, April 12 & 13, to challenge us to take our marriage to the next level. They’ve got an incredible story that you’re going to want to hear.

I know it’s going to be amazing. But here’s the deal, you will miss it if you don’t register very, very soon.

Register by April 7th and pay for the conference online. Registration is $50 per couple, and childcare is available for $5 (1 child) or $10 (multiple children).

Click here to register.

Click here to pay.

Online Payment instructions:

  1. Set up a user ID using the “Get Started” button.
  2. Click on “Get Connected” at the top of the page.
  3. Click on “Events”
  4. “Refine Your Marriage” is the only choice you have from there, and the site will walk you through the rest of the procedure.

Let’s do this!

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