This week, we kicked off the most exciting season in the history of The Connection Church with our new series What the Tech? True to expectations, it was an amazing morning!

It’s always good to hear about how people are inviting their friends and they’re coming to find out what’s happening for themselves.

Our KonnectionKidz started going for the gold this week in a new series called Goodman’s Global Games, all about how to be good leaders from some of the judges in the Bible! And if you go to you can access a short video lesson, discussion questions and activities to do at home with your kids. There’s even a FREE app you can download!

The FUZE Movement started Tip Toeing in My Jordans with nearly 200 students and adult leaders turning out. The most exciting part is that 27 students made the life-changing decision to trust Jesus as Lord and Savior!!!

Connection Creative brought down the house this week with a motivating worship set that got everyone off their feet and lifted their hearts. To emphasize our new series, Makenzie sang Miranda Lambert’s song about technology and progress, Automatic. You can listen to the songs on this Spotify playlist.

The first message was about the primary problem that is magnified by social media, PRIDE. Many times, we post, tweet, and instagram ourselves, looking for likes. To discover where we’re headed on our Ego Trip and how to take the Higher Way of Humility, check out Selfie Image right here.

The word of the year for 2013 was “Selfie.” Check out our instructional, and slightly hilarious video The Art of the Selfie to improve your own selfie pics.

One of the keys to combating the pull of technology is to spend time face-to-face with real people. After our Celebration, everyone headed to the lobby to find a Connection Group just for them as we started our new semester of groups. If you want to find a Connection Group, click here for more information.

Here’s a glimpse into some of this week’s best scenes:

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