Did ye know that this year marks the 400th birthday of the King James Version of the Bible? There’s no doubt the most published book in history is also the most influential book in the world. But while the average American has 4 copies of the Bible in their homes, not to mention access to the Bible for free on the Internet, it’s also the dustiest book in most of our libraries.
Why is that? Because, like the long term prisoner who only had a Bible and wrote all kinds of trivia on the walls of his cell while missing out on its true meaning, too often we have been taught to approach the Bible for more information instead of applying it to our lives for transformation. I’m excited about starting our new series “Word Up!” this week because we’re going to learn practical skills for getting the most out of the Bible. I believe it’s the key to not only seeing lives changed, but ultimately for changing our world.
I want to personally invite you to be our guest this Sunday and invite your friends to join you! Verily, I shall seest ye there!