Have you ever wondered, “Where do I fit in? How can I find my place in my church?” If so, you’re not alone. It often seems challenging to find your unique niche. But, you can be sure, there is a place for you. In Ephesians 4:16, Paul wrote, “He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” That means that God has put you in the picture for a reason. He wants you to discover that place He has for you and use your life to help others. Let me offer you 5 ways to discover where you best fit.
SECURITY: The process starts by understanding both WHO you are and WHOSE you are. When you know that you have been created by God as a person of value and worth and you belong to Him, that brings incredible strength and security in your life. You aren’t threatened by what you don’t yet know. Insecurity causes us to be distrustful and inflexible. We become resistant to change, and without changing, there is no growth. Place your security in God whose love will never fail you.
SELF-AWARENESS: Watch reality tv and you’ll quickly see how lack of self-awareness blinds you to your weaknesses. Sometimes, self-awareness comes with asking others to speak into our lives to help us see those areas we don’t see about ourselves. It takes courage to admit our weaknesses, but when we finally come clean, God can begin to use us in ways that we never imagined.
SUBMISSION: Humbling ourselves to follow the God-given authorities He has placed in our lives requires massive amounts of humility. In Matthew 8:9, a Roman soldier meets Jesus and he willingly submits to Jesus authority because, as a soldier, he understands the structure of authority. He said, “I know this because I am under the authority of my superior officers, and I have authority over my soldiers.” When you learn the power of submission, you position yourself in a place where you are then able to effectively lead others.
SEE THE BIG PICTURE: Remember, it’s not all about you. You are a vital piece of a much bigger picture. Whatever place you are serving, in whatever capacity, is just one of the necessary parts of the whole. It’s the mission and vision of the church that drives all the parts to work together effectively. Ours is to see lives changed by the power of God, one life at a time. When we understand what we’re trying to accomplish together, we can each respond by doing whatever it takes to fulfill our purpose.
STRENGTHS: Your personal victories in your past reveal those areas where you are especially gifted. Learn from your failures, but build on your successes. Your strengths are usually those things that pump you up and get you excited. We typically downplay our strengths because they may come more easily to us. But that’s the way God has wired you to make the biggest impact with you life.
You were made to make a difference! It may take some time and effort, but as you begin to experiment and serve in ministry, you’ll find your place in the body where you have the greatest influence. If you’re not already serving on a ministry team at The Connection Church, you can click here to let us know that you’re ready to step up and serve.
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