The new year is the perfect time to celebrate the victories of the previous year, reflect about where we find ourselves, and dream of what God can do through us in the year ahead!
Last year, we took huge steps forward as a church family by:
- Reaching even more people for Jesus than ever before and baptizing 141 new Christ-followers!
- Providing 18,900 nutritious meals for the children in Agua Zarca, Guatemala!
- Attracting 350 students to our Fall Fuze Students outreach event and 41 of them stepped over the line of faith to commit their lives to Jesus!
- Ending the year strong with 1741 people focusing on the true message of Christmas: the gift of Jesus to our world!
- Taking the strategic step to start our Growth Track process that helps people take their next faith steps and connect in greater ways with God and our church.
- Making a difference through our partnerships with Prison Fellowship, C3 Global, Hope & Love 4 Kids, Hays CISD and more.
But one thing I never forget is that we couldn’t do this without the incredibly faithful people of The Connection Church! I can’t THANK YOU enough for your generosity when it comes to supporting our mission to see lives changed ONE LIFE AT A TIME! Make no mistake about it: this mission is being fulfilled and you are a part of every story of life-change through your partnership.
Now, as we begin 2017, we have new opportunities to do more for God’s glory than ever before. I can’t wait to see the great things in store for us over the next 12 months!